Benecke Internetdienstleistungen
... "Best Effort" is not enough effort!

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This page is dedicated to explaining what we do to battle UCE or SPAM (commercial mass emails). You are probably here because your mail to one of our customers was returned by our server. If so, please read this:

Help! My mail was returned and I don't know what to do!
I am administering the servers you block and I want you to stop blocking them.
I am a customer and I don't want you to block my spam.

Help! My mail was returned and I don't know what to do!

Probable cause: The provider you sent this mail from (in general, the company who you purchased internet access from, or the company where you read your email) has been either

  • known for sending illegal mass emails in the past,
  • known for operating insecure servers, and been abused by someone else sending illegal mass emails, or
  • known for tolerating other customers sending illegal mass emails,

- and so got into our "black list". If this is the case, complain to your provider as the problem lies there. As soon as the problem is resolved, we will remove your provider from our list.

In the mean time, if you really need your mail to get through, please paste the whole return email you got from us, including mail headers and your original mail, into this form. We will forward it to the correct person. Note that this does not work with attachments or HTML ("Rich Text") mail.


I am administering the servers you block and I want you to stop blocking them.

Of course. As soon as you cancel your spammer accounts (or stop spamming yourself). When you have done so, write to us ( using the form above, we will then check your servers and remove you from our blacklist.

And please don't start childish actions like threatening us with lawsuits or the like - we own our servers, we are free to configure our own servers to block mail as we see fit, just as you are free to send SPAM to your own servers as you see fit - but not to ours.

I am a customer and I don't want you to block my spam.

This kind of defeats you having an account at "SpamFreeMail", but of course. Write us (either by email or using the form above) and we will pass all your mail past our SPAM checking mechanisms.

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